Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lepas tu aku pigi menengok anak-anak yang sedang bersantai di 'Mimpian Jadi' - Sambutan Hari Keluarga Johaniaga & Idekora. Aku seronok tegok budak-budak mandi-manda di kolam dan sama-sama BBQ malam tu. Paling suka aku menengok diaurang tidak tinggal sembahyang. Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tahun depan aku mau ikut pigi jalan-jalan di Jogja kalu lama lagi bagus nda la aku tepaksa tengok rumah yang besepah ni. Tapi aku ni ketuaan ba, takut juga pengsan di jalanan.
Kawan-kawan aku bilang tahun depan harga property akan turun nda bulilah jual rumah ni - kalu harga turun.....yakan? Boring betul aku tengok ni rumah . Ah pedulilah semak, semaklah siap masing-masing punya suka .....bagus lagi aku memblog dan membaca blog he he he.
Kesian tengok pokok bunga-bunga aku sudah layu penuh rumput. Ramai saja urang tinggal dirumah ni tapi jangankan membuang rumput, menyiram bunga pun nda ada akuuuuu juga.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Buduh Punya SMS - Paloiiiiiii
PENGAJARAN : lAIN KALI nda payahlah forward-forward msg msg yang nda nda tu.
Aku nda suda mau layan tau. bye Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - woi - besuk aku ada jemputan makan di Golf Driving Range - he he he tks. mau makan abis-abisan.
Oh ya telupa suda Congratulation Ngok, aniversary ko punya kompeni yang ke- 30 tahun.
Best jugalah makan di Gayang tu tapi aku ni aiseymen kegatalan suda alergic sama itu udang, katam tapi dimakan juga - dasar lagak.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saya mau share some interesting comments dari 'chedet blog'
Too Many Hearts that speak as One
"IJN is a unique institution. It started as a Government department but the Government felt that it was unfair to put the staff on Government pay scheme. So it was corporatised.
As a corporate body it has been successful in giving the people good service. It is one institution that has not been subjected to criticisms and vilifications by the press or the public as most other institutions have been. We often hear of its many "firsts" and we are proud of them.
There are far too many questions about this privatisation which need to be answered. Some I think cannot be answered.
I seldom oppose privatisation but this is one instant when I feel privatisation is the wrong thing to do.
Leave this institution as it is. It is our pride and it is doing a good job as it is. - Che' Det.
By -islander- on December 19, 2008 4:27 PM salam Tun,
"makin lama, makin parah. kebelakangan ini kerajaan banyak ambil tindakan yg merugikan, baik di pihak rakyat mahu pun kerajaan sendiri. kadang2 sy tertanya2, sy makin bijak menilai atau kerajaan makin bodoh. bila badut2 memerintah.....tangan2 yg kotor menyentuh urusan pentabiran negara.....ni la jadinya...jgn sampai IJN jd Pantai sudah. kerajaan mempunyai tabiat baru agaknya.jual kepentingan negara."
by tukang_dok_peghati on December 19, 2008 4:45 PM
Tun, saya dah JANGKA ada sebab tersembunyi kenapa IJN menjadi sasaran kali ini.. Saya syak ada 'BROKER' yang memainkan peranan sama seperti kes MV Augusta dijual kepada Gevi SPA dan Penjualan saham Pantai Holdings kepada TEMASEK.. Sedikit komen dari Blog saya..
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
First Time Naik Kapal Terbang - Everyone Can Fly
Geram ada, geli hati pun ada, kesian pun ada ba menengok diorang ni - excited betul dapat naik kapal terbang. Aku pula ada satu macam perasaan seronok bila menengok budak-budak tu
'happy'. Dalam hati ku teringat si Pais yang sudah naik kapal terbang sejak berumur 8 hari. sudah pigi melancung ke Jakarta, Bali dan Manila masa sekolah rendah lagi. Setidak-tidaknya budak-budak ni ada juga merasa naik kapal terbang walaupun dalam penerbangan domestik je. Bayangkan budak-budak dikampung yang jauh terpencil, jangankan naik kapal terbang, naik kereta pun jarang sekali.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Ini zaman KONFRONTASI - sebuklah diaorang ni (KATAK HIJAU KEK KEK KEK) - menjaga keamanan - terutama sekali di Tawau, yang bersempadan dengan Indonesia. Pernah bah aku ikut sama bang Lip pigi kebun di Sebatik - cari lemiding. aDALAH sungai kecik - nda sampai pun dua depa - airnya pun alamak andu andu ba entah sampaikah di betis? Punyalah tuhur. Kak nab bilang (kedua-duanya Arwah - muda-mudahan Allah mencucuri rahmat atas roh2 mereka berdua)
'kau mau pigi Indonesia ? - pigilah seberang...." Rupa-rupanya diseberang tu sudah masuk Tanah Jajahan Indonesia. Sungai tu sempadan bah - tiada pun pagar pemisah. Sama juga macam di Padang Besar di Kelantan besempadan dengan Golok, Thailand. Tapi disana ada lagi Immigresen. Kalu di Sebatik tu kebun-kebun urang kampung bah. Aik nah kan aku ni meleret-leret sudah nda fokus - inilah masaalah aku. Cis aku mau cerita pasal KAD HIJAU kenapa pula jadi KATAK HIJAU. Oh ya - tadi dadi si Pais bising-bising pasal KAD HIJAU.
"Nah - inilah bikin jahanam negeri!" katanya. Aku ni nda seberapa peduli ba. Pikiran melayang-layang - day dreaming URANG KIMARAGANG BILANG he he he.
"Lama-lama - kita ni kan jadi PELARIAN bah di negeri sendiri" - macam geram saja bunyinya.
"Dia orang ni kan (entah siapa dia orang ni) - untuk kekalkan kedudukan (kedudukan kah ? Kuasa?) sanggup menggadai negeri sendiri" Bah kah - jangan kerana BUDI tergadai BODY.
Biarlah KATAK HIJAU bekeliaran di seluruh pelusuk negeri jan KAD HIJAU. Boleh menggangu ketenteraman geng.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Know what? - It confirmed my belief that we all live for a purpose and not by nature's accident like some scholars advocated. Everything that happened to us has a purpose - to prepare us for the part that we are meant for.- though we may not understand it at that point in time. It's up to us to search and find out what it is for us in this life.
"If it is to be, It is up to me" - anonymous
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
· The quality of our lives is determined not by what happens to us, but rather by what we do about what happens.
· You are the one who decides how to feel and act based upon the ways you choose to perceive your life.
· Your mission in life is not to change the world. Your mission is to change yourself and take control of your life.
· Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I respond to it.
· We cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sail.
· When I look at myself in the mirror, what do I see? Who is responsible for my looks? Me? Or Someone else?
· To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom – Bertrand Russell
· Forget about likes and dislikes. They are of no consequences. Just do what must be done. They may not be happiness. But it is Greatness – George Bernard Shaw
· Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory – General George S. Patton
· If you are in control, you are a Subject in this Whirlwind of a world. If you allow the environment to control you, you are only an Object being pushed here and there. – Cassandra Lee
· Success will come to those who conquer themselves and force life to pay whatever is asked. – Anthony Robbins
· Knowledge is not power. Power is knowledge put into action – Anthony Robbins.
· What we think, or what we know or what we believe, is in the end, of little consequence, the only consequence is what we do.
· Savour the beautiful things in life. Leave the bitter part to the wind. For if we have only one life to lead, why not make it sensational!!! - Cassandra Lee
· Pride makes us do things well. Love makes us do things to perfection. Today with love in my heart, I shall lay the groundwork for great things to happen! - Cassandra Lee
· The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is called intelligent non-aggressiveness. This is called mastery of men. – Lao Tzu, Tao The King
· If you do not know your own strengths & weaknesses, you might be shortchanged in life and missed out on valuable opportunities – Cassandra Lee
· If you know yourself, you’ll be able to improve yourself. If you improve yourself, you’ll love yourself. If you love yourself, you’ll be able to love others. If you love others, you have completed your role in this life, by making this world a better place to live in - Cassandra Lee
· Love is a many splendoured thing! When there is no harmony at home, there will be no family. When there is no family, there is no country. Without country and boundary, the world perishes! - Cassandra Lee
· “Character determine whether a person succeeds in life or not. High IQ alone is not enough…..leadership is not domination but the art of persuading people to work toward a common goal. This requires high interpersonal skills and social intelligence….I absorbed a heavy dose of emotional intelligence at Raffles Institution. It builds my character. It gave me the emotional gravitas to lead.” - Mr Goh Chok Tong (Prime Minister of Singapore)
· Everything can be taken from a person but one thing, the last of human freedom: to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstance………to choose one’s own way – Victor Frank
· It’s a funny thing about life; If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. – W. Somerset Maugham
· Writing causes thinking. Thinking creates an image. Images control feelings. Feelings cause Actions. Actions create results. – The law of learning by Leland Val Van De Wall
· Expect to fall at first when you try something new and be prepared to keep trying until you master the new technique. …..It is the combination of reasonable talent and the ability to keep going in the face of defeat that leads to success.
· A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing with him the image of a cathedral. – Antoine De Saint – Exupery
· If it is to be. It is up to Me!
· You must share your life with others, for the more you share with others, the more valuable your shares become – Dr Forrest C Shaklee
· It is attitude not aptitude that governs altitude.
· The purpose of existence is not to make a living but to make a life.
· A negative thought is a down payment on an obligation to fail.
· You will seldom experience regret for something you’ve done. Its what you don’t do that torment you.
· Complaining is the refuge of those who has no self reliance.
· Youth is not a time of life but a state of mind. Wrinkles test the skin but never touch the soul.
· The worst bankruptcy is the person who has lost enthusiasm.
· The ultimate cost of something is that amount of, you will exchange for – eg dignity
· No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt
· Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
· Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt - William Shakespeare
Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will. come ninety percent of all your happiness or misery.- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Hope it'll come in handy at times.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Menurut cerita sepupu kami ni dia telah mengikuti rombongan pernikahan kawannya si Zar ni. Sebaik tiba dipersimpangan menuju kerumah pengantin perempuan dia terperasan macam 'familiar' saja ba tempat yang mau dituju. Dalam hatinya "aik, macam ku kenal ba rumah yang mau dituju ni.......rumah makcikku" sebenarnya bukan makcik tetapi sepupu kerana bapanya (arwah Makibin) adalah pakcik kami. Sampai dirumah, memang sahlah, rupa-rupanya gadis idaman kawannya Zar ini adalah anak buahnya sendiri yang dia pernah diperkenalkan oleh kawannya Zar sebagai tunangannya. Rupa-rupanya anak buahnya sendiri. Nasib baik nda salah kerof kan?
Arwah bapanya memang kawan sepermainan ku kerana umur kami tidak jauh bezanya. Tetapi setelah dia tamat belajar di USM, Penang akupun jarang sekali berjumpa dengannya. Itulah sebabnya aku tidak mengenal anak-anaknya. Ba dek kalu jumpa kami tegur-tegurlah sebab kami nda sudah kenal kamu yang sudah besar panjang tu. he he he
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Politik Politik Politik
'Adakah orang jualan disana tu? macam sunyi je' dadi si pais bilang. Kami park kereta, terus tinjau-tinjau, adalah satu gerai buka tapi was-was pula mau makan. Ada juga ditulis notis bilang "No Pork Serve' tapi entahlah rasa-rasa nda yakin pula. Kami minta roti bakar (Terpampang dalam Menu) nda juga ada pula. Last-last kami pigi Kota Marudu, cari makan. Kami makan di Marudu Inn, sedap jugalah makanan disana tu. Udang dia fresh. Nah kan sekarang ni begaruk sudah aku ni gatal - alegeric, tapi nda menahan napsu, makan juga tu udang. Tanggung sendirilah. Siap makan kami terus pigi Sikuati.
'Dimanakah mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Kota Marudu tu?' aku tanya dadi si pais. Dadi c pais pun telepon om tok - 'ooh SMK Sikuati II' . Dadi si pais tanya aku dimana tu, aku bilang ada juga signboard bah tu. Aku ni lamaaaa sudah nda pigi Sikuati. Kalau pulang kampung di Tandek, paling-paling pigi kedai Tandek atau pigi Bandau (Kota Marudu). Woui na jauh bah pula tempat mesyuarat ni, kenapa nda di Dewan Kota Marudu je ? Kasi senang orang pigi kali atau kasi susah? - Politik politik.
Last-last sampai jugalah kami ditempat mesyuarat tapi suuuunnnnnyi saja. Kenapa? belum start kah? - Kami tanya orang disitu - Oh rehat - makan tengahari.
Kami ni bukan juga perwakilan bah, tapi saja jadi penyibuk he he he. UMNO kan semua orang punya oooops salah ahli UMNO punya. Kami pun ahli UMNO juga bah. Dulu-dulu kami ni satu keluarga penyokong kuat USNO. Sanggup mati kebuluran Ooooo. UMNO tu macam serupa USNO juga kan? Cuma, buang 'S' ganti M saja. Betul nda? Tapi harap-harap nda jadi macam USNO, sudah "hilang di mata tapi dihati jangan".
Kami jumpa Om Tok, terus pigi Kudat makan di kedai kopi India. Si Asraf makan nasi sama ikan masin sama sambal mangga lagi - wah beliur aku, tapi tadi baru juga aku makan nasi, kalu makan lagi ni wah takut pula tambah berat badan. EMMMmm dadi si pais, ndak kira sudah makan tadi, makan lagi dia. ' "Emmm di rumah nda buli ada ikan masin ni. Si kawan tu tinggi darah .... nanti dia berabis makan" bilangnya dadi c pais. Bah, kalu tais lius meninguk si Asraf makan ikan masin sama sambal mangga tu, makan sajalah, jangan pula aku lagi dikasi ikut-ikut.
Siap makan kami balik pigi Dewan Persidangan. Si adek siap gantung kamera di leher lagi. Pemberita sambilan cum photographer - konon. Kesian bah nda dikasi masuk. Ambil gambar dari jendela sajalah. Tulah kau dek, gantunglah "PRESS" besar-besar dileher juga. Baru buli masuk he he.
Sambil menunggu keputusan pemilihan Office Bearer UMNO BAHAGIAN KOTA MARUDU 2008, kami pigi kedai kopi di Sikuati - Kedai kopi lagi!. Politik bukan synonym sama kedai kopi tau, walaupun macam ramailah - orang-orang politik kah itu ah? di kedai kopi. Keputusan? - Semua orang sudah tahu. Nda payah ceritalah.
Daddy Neng and Om Tok, our love and prayers goes to you both always. Hope both of you will be blessed with good health and happiness always.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mungkinkah lanun atau mundu yang dikatakan itu sebenarnya pejuang pembebasan tanah airku yang bertuah ini? Kata temanku sudah barang tentu ada khazanah di dasar lautmu yang tenggelam bersama kapal pedagang yang mengharungi mu laut Simpang Mengayau.
Aku? - musafir lalu, singgah sebentar.
Menziarahmu. menghirup udaramu yang segar.
Menyuntik kembali semangat yang pudar
Setelah mengunjungi saudara-saudaraku yang sedang kejar mengejar,
Menabur umpan untuk memancing ikan yang besar.
Sedih dan pilu melihat kamu,
Dimanakah hilangnya harga diri.
Dimana pergi rasa kasih-mengasihi.
Inikah pewaris, pembina tammadun insani?
Simpang Mengayau - ku tinggalkan dengan seribu rasa
Ada masa dengan izin ya rab pasti aku kembali lagi.
P/s: Ahad 9 Nov 2008-Mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Kota Marudu @ SMK Sikuati II
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ganjaran Hakim - RM10.5 juta
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Semasa pilihan raya berlangsung, aku mau sangat Obama menang pilihan raya - kenapa ya? emmm sebab aku marahkan Bush kerana dasarnya - menyerang Iraq, sokongannya kepada Israel? - campurtangan di Pakistan dan Afghanistan ?
Tapi......sekarang dia sudah menang - nda pula aku konfiden dia buli buat apa yang dia janji - entahlah tengok jela kalau tentera Amerika akan ditarik balik dari Iraq. Aku ni pun macam ia ia je - nda jadi bekas langsung lah pada siapa-siapa apa yang aku rasa - jauh sekali Amerika kan kan? Tapi aku rekod juga peristiwa ni, setidak-tidaknya aku ni masih juga pula ada perasaan.
Tadi aku dengar Obama berucap di TV - oi memang hebat ba pula. Aku pun naik semangat bila dia bilang " Yes we can, yes we can". Tengok je dia pun rasa-rasanya tiada yang mustahil. Mungkin itulah yang menyebabkan rakyat Amerika mengundi dia - kerana dia memberi harapan.
" The worst bankruptcy is the person who has lost enthusiasm" - Anonymous
Monday, November 3, 2008
- Ampai-ampai - terlantar
- Ampus - lelah
- Ambuyat, Ambulung (Kedayan) - sejenis makanan daripada sagu
- Alun-alun - jalanraya
- Buyuk - tipu
- Bubut - kejar
- Bahai - bakul (plastik atau kertas)
- Betaap - berbonceng
- Belo On (Bajau) - gila, senteng
- Bah - penambahan kata
- Bambangan - sejenis buah seperti quini
- Belunu - binjai manis
- Cangkir - cawan atau mug
- Dalus - sejenis karangan laut
- Golombon (Dusun) - gemuk
- Hinava - sejenis makanan
- Kelala (Berunai) - kenal
- Kau-kau (Cina) - keras, pekat
- Lugai-lugai (Macam bunyi Suluk pula kalu ini) - terkebil-kebil sendirian kan ertinya?
- Mangkir - mungkir, tidak hadir
- Ngam - kena, betul, tepat
- Nda - tidak
- Palui - kurang akal
- Pok pok (Cina) - tipis, cair
- Ping (Cina) - sejuk, ais
- Tumpe' - sejenis makanan seperti 'pancake'
- Tapau (Cina) - bungkus
- Tarap - sejenis buah
macam memaki lah pula.
P/S : Saja suka-suka, bukan pakar bahasa bah.
Ooops aku baca-baca blog aku jumpa perkataan yang aku lupa -
nda ampit - bukan ketiak tapi ertinya tidak dapat bahagian atau kehabisan
amai - usik (macam budak2 yang suka kacau barang yang tiada kena mengena sama dia)
bakat - parut atau kesan bekas luka atau kudis
tuhur - cetek
kelangkabut - tergesa-gesa
keraut - cakar
kenyat-kenyat - berdenyut-denyut
kebeliangan - terkejut hingga hilang semangatk
kuruyuk - aik aku pun nda tau macam mau explain - hentam ramai-ramai kah?
giuk - ulat
limpang - baring
limpas - lepas, lalu
lantu - hanyir
mundu - lanun
ngilu - apa macam mau explain ni ah?
siok - sedap, nyaman, bestlah
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Aku: "Mari kita jual kui" -
Babu: "'Bah, ko pandai ka bikin kui?"
Aku: "Pandai bah, kita bikin kui pais ubi"
Apa lagi kami pun mengambil lah ubi kayu sama daun pisang. Senyap-senyap kami dua urang didapur di nenek (Ado' Uriyim) memarutlah konon ubi - banyak lagi tu. Sudah tu kami campur gula pasir, kemudian bungkus didaun pisang dan rebus dalam periuk. Pagi-pagi lagi kami minta kalau aku ndak lupa suruh (arwah) si Makibin bawa pigi skool. Oleh telampau tamaha, nda ba kami rasa tu kui, konon-konon mau dapat duit banyak. Sekali petang sudah si Kibin antar tu kui kami satu bakul masih lagi penuh - ndak laku. Budu punya keraja. Nda lagi menanya-nanya apa macam mau bikin tu kui - macam pandai saja. Nah kan ndak laku - sekali kami rasa cheh ! nda sedap bah - tawar.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Aku rasa tidak - bukan isu pemilikan 30 peratus ekuiti Bumiputera yang menjadi punca ketidakstabilan sistem kewangan dan ekonomi Malaysia apatahlagi dunia. Yang menjadi punca ketidak bersaingnya ekonomi Malaysia ialah pembaziran dan kebergantungan kepada pasaran tertentu sahaja seperti Amerika - tidak cukup diversified. Ada juga pandangan mengatakan 'conspiracy' pedagang mata wang. "As long as everyone gain something, no one is telling".
Malahan 30 peratus ekuiti Bumiputera inilah yang sedikit sebanyak menstabilkan ekonomi Malaysia - kenapa saya kata begitu? Sebab kebanyakan atau sebahagian besar ekuiti Bumiputera ini adalah milik Kerajaan bukan individu. Oleh kerana ekuiti milik Kerajaan maka keputusan yang dibuat seperti melepaskan pegangan tidak akan berdasarkan keuntungan semata-mata malahan isu-isu lain juga akan diberi perhatian seperti keselamatan negara dan isu-isu sosial. (Kejatuhan ekonomi boleh menimbulkan huru-hara). Ini dapat kita perhatikan dimana pelabur-pelabur asing sekarang ini dengan berbondong-bondong mengeluarkan pelaburan mereka daripada Malaysia.
Ini pandangan peribadi ku saja. - geram.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thousands of pensioners protested against plans to cut health spending.
Ireland is the first country in Western Europe to officially fall into recession, defined as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. – Para pesara berpiket membantah pengurangan perbelanjaan rawartan kesihatan oleh Kerajaan Ireland sebagai salah satu langkah menangani ‘deficit budget’ sejak dua tahun berturut-turut.
Meanwhile Asian countries have re-committed themselves to establishing an US$80bn emergency fund, as leaders from across Asia and Europe gathered in Beijing to discuss the global financial meltdown.
- Negara Asian mengikat janji menubuhkan ‘Kumpulan Wang Kecemasan” sebanyak US$80 billion bertujuan membantu ahlinya sekiranya menghadapi keruntuhan system kewangan .
Christine Wah, a marketing executive from Watford, spent eight years working her way up the ladder in the new-build construction industry. Earlier this year, thanks to the collapse in the property market, she was made redundant. – Seorang Eksekutif Pemasaran yang telah lapan tahun dalam industry pembinaan kehilangan pekerjaan akibat kejatuhan Pasaran Hartanah.
I think this downturn will be more serious than the one we had 10 years ago. Back then, people became patriots of the government. That's not happening this time around. This time it's a global problem, involving the United States. It's more risky than the oil crisis or the dot com bubble. – Pandangan seorang rakyat Korea betapa pada persepsinya masaalah kali ini akan lebih berisiko (bahaya tanggungan – kemungkinan menanggung kerugian). Sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga beliau mengubah gayahidupnya dengan mengurangkan perbelanjaan mewah seperti makan di restoran mewah dan berbelanja barangan jenama.
DE-Tuesday 28 Oct 08 "Thailand may barter rice for oil from Iran.."
Some cranks estimated that every citizen had lost purchasing power by RM300 a year. Since we have a population of 27million, the country's loss of purchasing power amounts to RM8.1 billion. That is a lot money which is lost by food suppliers, cooked and uncooked, goods and service providers at various levels. A lot of small businesses would just fold up. –
Setiap rakyat Malaysia kehilangan kuasabelinya sebanyak RM300.00 setahun kali 27 juta rakyat Malaysia menjadikan jumlahnya RM8.1 billion setahun. - Read Che Det blog
Kerajaan Malaysia – memberi jaminan keatas wang para pendeposit dalam Bank-bank di Malaysia. – Bernama (Bertujuan meyakinkan rakyat tentang kekukuhan institusi kewangan di Malaysia)
Diatas adalah beberapa petikan mengenai kesan krisis kewangan yang melanda sekarang ini. Apakah kita juga akan mengalami kesan akibat masalah yang dialami oleh institusi2 kewangan gergasi dunia ini? Bagaimanakah persediaan kita untuk menghadapi kemelut yang telah mula terasa bahangnya seperti dinegara-negara Eropah, Korea dll? Mungkin kerajaan kita sudah bersedia dengan beberapa formula untuk menggiatkan ekonomi Negara namun, sebagai rakyat biasa – bagaimanakah harus kita menghadapi kemungkinan resesi ekonomi? -
Saranan kerajaan kepada rakyat Malaysia:
1. Belanja dengan berhemah ? – ubah gayahidup?
2. Beli barangan tempatan
3. Tanam sayur dan buah-buahan sendiri untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan.
4. Jadi lebih kreatif – tambah pendapatan ? – jangan ikut skim cepat kaya pula.
Jika anda punya sebarang pandangan sila kongsi bersama. Terima kasih.
'Mana ko taru' ku bilang - dady c pais jawab - 'semalam aku taru di atas meja ba'. heran juga siapala pula yang ambil ?
Aku? - ikutla kono mencari-cari kunci kereta - " mengkali tejatuh dibawah meja!" ku bilang- Dady c pais membongkok meningu dibawa meja nda juga ada kunci. Aku pigi bilek c pais tengok atas meja komputer - mana tau dady c pais telupa dia taruh pula atas meja komputer - taulah dady c pais ni suka main game di komputer - game tembak-tembak ayam. Entah akupun heran, apalah kono siuknya tembak-tembak ayam tu ? Selalu aku kasi main-main dia - "banyaklah ayam ko dapat? patutla ayam dipasar mahal ..."
Aku dengar engin kereta sudah di start. Aku keluar dari bilek tengok c pais ketawa-ketawa - 'mana kamu jumpa tu kunci?" aku bilang sama c pais. He he c pais ketawa " di tangan dady" - ha ha ha aku ketawa kuat-kuat geli hati sambil-sambil mengolok-olok dady c pais.
Adakah patut - kunci dipigang-pigang tapi dicari la pula - hey pelupa sudah dady c pais ni tejangkit kali sama aku.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kemarin dan pada hari sebelum kemarin, tiga orang saudara ku telah meninggal dunia. Innalillahi waina lillah hi rojiun. Seorang telah dikebumikan di Sembulan, seorang lagi di Likas dan seorang lagi di Jalan Tinadukon, Tandek. Semoga Allah swt mengampunkan dosa-dosa saudara-saudara ku itu dan mereka ditempatkan disyurga bersama para solihin. Amin.
Penat dan letih rasanya - Aku pernah mengalami betapa kuatnya tekanan perasaan apabila ahli keluarga kita meninggal dunia. Entah kenapa, mula- aku hilang perasaan, seperti otakku kena bius tak pasti apa yang telah berlaku. Tiba-tiba pula aku merasa sedih yang amat sangat...Terasa seperti aku tengelam di dalam air yang dalam perlahan-lahan menjunam kedasar, nafas terasa sesak dan lantas pitam. Tiba-tiba aku terkejut seolah-olah berada dipermukaan air tercungap-cungap menghirup udara agar kembali bernyawa. Badan terasa lemah longlai tidak bermaya - lethargic. Aku hilang keyakinan diri - tidak mahu berjumpa dengan orang. Mujurlah saudara dan handai taulan terus juga mendekatiku dengan sabar mengingatkanku betapa anak-anak perlukan perhatianku dan juga mengingatkanku tentang kasihsayang Allah wajalla. Muda-mudahan saudara-saudaraku yang telah ditinggalkan oleh orang tersayang itu segera bangkit dari kedukaan dan redha dengan ketentuan Allah swt. Hidup harus diteruskan.
P/S: Sanguru minta aku tulis BM. Aku sambut cabaranmu Pyan.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Generally we speak to inform, to persuade, to ask for help, to let out our anger, love, frustrations - meluahkan perasaan. Eh! aku geramlah sama orang ni - cakap ikut sedap mulut je! However remember "You are the one who decides how to feel and act based upon the ways you choose to perceive your life."
I remember long ago .........a very long time ago when I was still working ........now I'm a VIP (very important penganggur) there was this person who called on the 'phone asking to speak to my boss.
It just happened that my boss was attending to a meeting at the 'Operation Room' - so I told this caller that my boss is not in his office 'cause he is in the 'operation room'. There was silence at the other end of the line.....I could hear him gasp ........ like in deep shock...... My brain registered that he had misunderstood what I was saying and quickly add ........'Operation Room like Bilek Gerakan and not Operating theater like in the hospital...'. I could hear the sigh of relief. "Ohooo ok, will call him later ....thanks."
See - he had misunderstood me. It is common knowledge in our office that our conference room is also known as operation room and I have taken it for granted that this caller knew. Sometimes we tend to speak about things that unknowingly may hurt our listener. Of course it can happen the other way around. So I am now quite careful when to speak and when not to speak - kadanglupa......he he he Melayu mudah lupa? - some people in the office have these pin-up picture framed up in their office/cubicle - Three monkeys siting over one another. First monkey had its hands covering it's eyes, second monkey had it's palms covering it's ears and third monkey covering it's mouth. Underneath the picture were written "See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil". It is the more important to mind our words when dealing with our customers - at times got to act - bodoh - zoombie. I sometimes find it difficult putting words into my mouth. I become incoherent. There are times I stammer. I wonder, is it a sign that I am slowly loosing my inteligant mind ? The feeling is scary.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I was seated at the main table - don't quite feel comfortable there being a rather shy person - konon, but as a show of respect to all my friends especially to the 'guest of honour', I endured. Maaf ya YB - actually saya ni pemalu ba, tapi kadang-kadang macam pula muka tak malu he he he.
I was disappointed when the 'waiter' who attended the main table were not dressed properly. The Committee had hired this 'caterer' to supply the food and drinks for that night. The food was just ok (can't argue about it, since they maybe on a tight budget) but I thought the caterer should have provided a more presentable 'waiter'. Mind you, my appetite suddenly diminished when he served us - his shirt seems like drenched in sweat. To make matters worst, he wore a cap and slippers. Lesson learned: To all my siblings, whenever you are contracted to provide refreshments in any function, please make sure the people you hire to attend to the guest are properly attired.
Hari Raya Blues? - You may be asking.......Well.....actually there is this person asking me for a loan cause he's overspent for Hari Raya. What do you think? Isn't that Hari Raya Blues? What lesson can we learn this time? - "Beringat sebelum kena, berjimat sebelum habis." - Salam.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
This other neighbour ......"piara ayam la pula..." . These ayam-ayam will fly over the fence into our house's compound and sometimes enter our kitchen .......'mau di bikin sup kali ni tau!. 'Just you wait ayam! - mengakai-ngakai lagi tu ku punya pasu..........nah kau ..........ku limpar kau sama penyapu. Lain kali ku limpar kau sama pisau! Mana sudah DBKK ni?
Aik c cici (kucing ku)ni tidur je dibelakang tempat dudukku - tulah cici malam2 merayap ja kau mencari bini. Ku peluk, ku angkat, pindah-pindah ko tidur juga. Cici cici......
Monday, October 6, 2008
This is Lala - Faiz's rabbit and This is Cici - Faiz's cat
Many people keep pets. Most common are dogs and cats. My son Faiz have Lala - a rabbit and Cici - a cat as pets. We had both Lala and Cici since they were babies.
Cici is a stray cat while Lala was bought at the Gaya Street Sunday Market. There are also some who keep unusual pets. My nephew for example keep a snake and several scorpions as pets.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
After about 20 minutes airborne we landed Tawau Airport - the new airport which is rather a distance from Tawau Town. We took a taxi - 'Guling' included. He disembarked at Batu 2 Apas. We stayed the night at Grace Hotel, a hotel just a stone throw from the Tawau Community Hall, where the gathering will take place the next day starting as early as 7.00 am. We went to the Hall to have a look, later that night. It was already nearly 1.00 o'clock after midnight but I saw the Committee Members and Volunteers still busy making last minute preparations for the memorable gathering.
Early next morning I woke up early and wake everybody up to get ready for the once a lifetime gathering - hopefully there will be more to come though. We had breakfast at a nearby Coffeeshop. At exactly 8.00 am, we are already at the Registration Counter especially set up for the Kee Abdul Jalil clan. My niece, Kee Ismail's youngest daughter manned the counter. As we signed the registration book, we were given a lucky draw coupon. I too had brought along with me a present for the lucky draw. I can see a long queue at the far end of the Registration Counter which was set up especially for the Kee Sulaiman Clan. Kee Sulaiman is the eldest son of Kee Kim Swee.
Boy o boy...........what a gathering..........., Was I exhausted ....Tried to update myself with the family members whom I haven't seen for ages ...........like I was with my nephews and niceses (is that how u spell it ? oops sorry am poor speller, surely will fail my english test) during our early primary school days in Holy Trinity School, Tawau way back in the sixties. Imagine what it's like to meet them now that we are all grandmom and granddad .......he he he. Actually, we hardly recognise one another. I had to ask my way around.... asking whoever I came across.......like " where is Pok? where is Musa?.....Where's Basir.......anybody seen them ...? They are my childhood friends who had stayed in Tawau and therefore I haven't seen them ....like ages. Other childhood friends like Chama, Tapang, Bul, Zaleha and many many ...the list is endless ...I used to meet them in KK.
Some older cousins remarked that I had put on a little weight..........of course, when did they last saw me? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? I believe, what they meant was I have aged and so did they. Like my cousin sister Fatima, ....she is already in the list of ....."Warga Emas" who will be receiving 'the token of appreciation', another agenda of the day. I remember I used to 'lepak' in her house during my Secondary School Days. She was a young mother then. Sometimes I am asked to help in making Hari Raya goodies like the Kueh Makmur. Memories, memories, memories ..........like the colours of the rainbow. To those, whom I didnt have the opportunity to 'salam' - I extend my greetings and Salam Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir and Bathin.
Adinda/Makchik/Nenek Liau
Ps: Help! I new in this bloging game.